Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sept 25th 1863

Sept 25th 1863
Dear Sister
I will once more write you a few lines to let you know that I am still in the land of the living. There has been three days fight near Chattanooga about 7 or 8 miles south of Chattanooga. It commenced on the 18 and lasted until the night of the 20th. We were held in reserve until the 20th and then our brigade were put into it. We did not have any killed in our company. We had 6 wounded but none of them dangerous. I thank kind providence that I came out without a scratch. We succeeded in driving the enemy back to Chattanooga. We are in about 3 miles of Chattanooga in a line of battle. I don’t think we will advance on them though for they are in fortifications. Neil Currie come out alright. Alic (Currie) is at the hospital. He was not in the fight. Neil says to please write to some of his folks that he is all right and tell that Alic was sent to the hospital sick but not sick much. Well I will tell you who was wounded. Joe Cobb was wounded in the left eye. Jonathon Sermon through both thighs. John Love is slightly in the knee. James M Rushing slightly in the left arm (later amputated). George Spring in the right arm. Everet Smith struck with a spent ball but he is back again, able for duty. Hoping that I will come home safe through all, putting my trust in God. I will close. Give my love to all and the same for your self. From Archie

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