Wednesday, October 12, 2011

June 7th 1863

Shelbyville Tenn
June 7th 1863

Dear Father
I will once more try and write you a few lines hoping that they may find the way through to you. I have no news of importance to write. I am in the best of health at this time and I do sincerely hope that I will remain. So I get plenty of meat and bread to eat. The army here is in splendid health. I think that we have very healthy place to camp. The Currie boys are both well. Alic stands camp life fine since he has come back from home. I am very anxious to hear the result of the battle of Vicksburg. I would like to hear how Wither’s Artillery come out as soon as you hear who was killed or wounded that I am acquainted. We thought for a long time that we would get to go to Miss for a good while but there happened to be our lot to stay up here. Our division, or part of it rather, went out toward Murfreesboro the other day but we didn’t stay bur one night. We thought we would get into a skirmish while we were out there but did not. The cavalry had a little skirmish. Will I will close for this time but I hope things will have a better face before I write again. Hoping to hear from you soon. I send you and all the family my love so nothing more only I remain your son.
H.A. McLaurin

June the 10th 1863

Well Mary as I did not yet to send Pa’s letter off the day I wrote it I thought I would write you a few lines in answer to the one I received from you to day. You cant imagine how glad I was to get a letter from home. I am in fine health at this time. I have no news of importance to write. I am in hopes that you will not have to leave home yet a while. I think you are all worse scared than hurt. I can just tell you if I was at home I would fight some before I would leave the Irish potatoe patch. You need not be uneasy about me for you may be sure that I will take care of me well. I will close for this time. Give my best respects to Mr. Strong and Miss Sallie and my love to all the family from

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