Camp Near Dalton Ga
Feb the 9th 1864
Dear Sister
I will endeavor to answer your letter of the 22nd of January which I received several days ago. I would have answered it sooner but we heard that the Yanks had possession of Jackson again and I thought I would wait a few days and see if I couldn’t hear something more about it but have not. I am in hopes that it was a false report. I am in fine health at present and getting along finely. We have a negro in our mess and I don’t have anything to do. That is I have no cooking or washing to do. The negro belongs to Ban Knapp. There is only four of us in the mess and we get along finely. Alic Currie has been a little sick for the last two or three days but he got a letter from home yesterday and eh is a good deal better to day. I have no news of importance to write. We can hear nothing of the Yanks about here. I do wish that they would stay away until spring opens for I would hate to leave my house now. Well Mary I will quit now until after supper as it now ready.
Feb 10th
Well Mary as I did not get to finish your letter yesterday I will now try and finish ti. I have just been up to the debating society. We have one in our regt but I don’t belong to it. I heard to day that our regt was ordered to Mobile but I don’t put any confidence in the report. I wish it was true for I am afraid if we don’t send reinforcements there that the Yanks will take it and cut off our communications from home. Boot Scott’s negro came from home. He got here yesterday. He said that Robt started back and got sick and went back home. I wish he would come back. Well Mary I will have to close as it is getting late and my light is bad. I am writing by fire light and you know how bad it is. Tell Mag to write to me. This leaves me in the best of health. So nothing more at present. From Arch
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