Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The rest of the orders: Last orders of the ANV

Below are the last of the orders from the ANV command that I found at the Wisconsin HIstorical Society. Reading between the lines is one of my favorite aspects of reading material such as this. I can almost hear the desperation boiling under the veneer of professionalism. Enjoy.
NOTE: the lines seperate the orders.

On the road to Farmeville
April 6th 1865

I have the honor to report that telegraphic communication is open to Farmville to Lynchburg No enemy has been to the former and none reported to be in that vicinity.

M.W. Gary
Brig Gen

Lt Genl Longstreet
Comdg Corps 1


Hd Qu’rs Longstreet’s Corp
April 7-1865

Gol W.H. Taylor
A.A.G. A.N.Va

I desire you to know whether there is any cavalry on this side & if there is that you will order it to report to me- What effect will the presence of the enemy on my flank make on my movements?

Very Respectfully
(Sgd)) Jas Longstreet
Lieut Genl

W.H. Palmer

Lieut Col. W.H. Taylor

There is cavalry here, not the whole, but Gen Fitz Lee is here fighting the enemy’s cavalry with part of his & has driven it back & captured Gen Gregg.
The other cavalry under WH Lee is on your left flank, Fitz Lee being on your right.

Very Respy
RE Lee


Hq Qurs Longstreets Command
April 7 1865

This command will be withdrawn by retiring Field’s front to the hight ground in rear of the road. As he retires Gn’l Mahone will retire his right and Gen’l’s Heth & Wilcox their left. After Gn’l Fields has taken his new position Heth Wilcox & Mahone will withdraw their commands by filing around below this postion of Gn’l Fields, retiring by the rout taken by the Army & opposite the rear of Gn’l Fields center. The Artillery on the line will be withdrawn first and placed near the rout by which we are to follow the Army.
As soon as Gen’ls Heth, Wilcox,& Mahone have taken up the line of march in the rear of Gn’l Field and passed sufficiently far to allow Gn’l Field to file off to the rear, Gn’l Field will follow the march bringing with him the artillery.
The movement will not be made until further orders, when Gn’l Field will be specifically instructed to retire his line as afore stated. This will be the signal for the officers to execute their movement.
Orders will be given for the withdrawal of the Artillery a little before the order for Gn’l Field movement.

By command of
Lt Gn’ Lonstreet
W.H. Palmer
N Va. Cav Div
April 7th 1865

My success is complete.
I have captured everything except a few cavy that escaped by swimming the River- I killed the Yankee Gen Reid- Dearing is wounded- Major Thompson & Knoff and Col. Boston are killed- My loss however is slight- Half dozen Ambulances & all the armes have fallen into my hands.

Mu Comd is very much fatigued, and if possible should rest the remainder of the day.
Let me hear from you at once if you pleass- I will wait here till I hear from you.
Very Respy
Thos L Rosser
Maj G
Gen Longstreet
Please send Mahone

3 ¼ pm 8th April

General Lee directs me to say that there is no water on which you can encamp until you reach the one of the headwaters of the Appomattox about half a mile south of Day’s House, Gordon has gone two miles and a half beyond the stream mentioned. If you will let your troops know that they have but a short distance to march, they will move briskly and you will be able to get them a good rest and an opportunity to cook their suppers. The Gen. is now just south of the creek on which he wishes you to encamp and desires to see you if you can come.

Very resp yours ob serv
C. Marshall
Lt Col & aag

Lt. Gen. Longstreet
1st Army Corps
April 9th 1865
Gen Comdrs will prepare immediately list of the names & rank of each officer and man of their command for the purpose of completing the parole agreed upon today between Comdg offs of the C. S and U.S Armies.
Officers and men will be allowed to go to their homes and remain until regularly exchanged, carrying with them all private property.
Comdg off Kershaw’s Div

On the envelope (signed by)
Genl Order shown to
Maj Gen Field

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